after Anton Chekhov
from Russian by Ulrike Zemme
State Theater Stuttgart
Premiering 07/10/2019

Sweltering midsummer, a neighboring community gathers to celebrate. Bored and lethargic, they all share the longing for another life. Only: nobody manages to actually question the limits of their own existence and to change something. In this apathy, the young Platonow provides variety with his frank, direct manner. It provides topics for conversation and awakens lost feelings. But when he refuses to accept the consequences of his words, it becomes clear: the non-binding nature he desires is impossible.
With an ensemble of three actors* and a musician, the text material of the original is lightly traversed and re-collaged - in search of what can be told with Chekhov today. His piece becomes the starting point for a reflection on loneliness in times of upheaval and the responsibility for lateral thinking.
director and stage
Klemens Hegen
lighting design and stage
Friedrich Schmidt
Rainer Eisenbraun
Josephine Kwon
Hannes Buder
Lilly Busch
Leon Haller
Clara Liepsch
Lia von Blarer
Live music
Hannes Buder
Rowohlt Theater Verlag, Hamburg
A cooperation with the Academy for Performing Arts Baden-Württemberg
With the kind support of the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Foundation